Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Essig, Stefan; Balthasar, Andreas (2024). Ambulante Versorgung 2040: Was sich Medizinal- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen wünschen. Luzern: Swiss Learning Health System, https://www.slhs.ch/media/yzjfq3vj/policy-brief_sophie-brandt.pdf
Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Essig, Stefan; Balthasar, Andreas (2024). Professional beliefs of physicians and allied health professionals and their willingness to promote health in primary care: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Primary Care, 25(1), 188. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-024-02412-6
Föhn, Zora, Nicolet, Anna, Marti, Joachim, Kaufmann, Cornel., & Balthasar, Andreas (2023). Stakeholder Engagement in Designing Attributes for a Discrete Choice Experiment With Policy Implications: An Example of 2 Swiss Studies on Healthcare Delivery. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 26(6), 925–933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2023.01.002
Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Essig, Stefan; Balthasar, Andreas (2023): Zukünftige ambulante Grundversorgung: Einstellungen und Präferenzen von Medizinal- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen ausgewählter Berufsgruppen, Obsan Bericht 06/2023, Neuchâtel: Schweizerisches Gesundheitsobservatorium, https://www.obsan.admin.ch/de/publikationen/2023-zukuenftige-ambulante-grundversorgung-einstellungen-und-praeferenzen-von
Kaufmann, Cornel; Föhn, Zora; Balthasar, Andreas (2021): Zukünftige ambulante Grundversorgung: Einstellungen und Präferenzen der Bevölkerung, Obsan Bericht 04/2021, Neuchâtel: Schweizerisches Gesundheitsobservatorium, https://www.obsan.admin.ch/de/publikationen/zukuenftige-ambulante-grundversorgung-einstellungen-und-praeferenzen-der-bevoelkerung
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel (2020): Junge und Personen mit niedrigem Vertrauen in Medien halten sich weniger an Covid-19-Massnahmen, higgs, https://www.higgs.ch/junge-und-personen-mit-niedrigem-vertrauen-in-medien-halten-sich-weniger-an-covid-19-massnahmen/33758/
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel (2020): Umsetzung von COVID-19-Massnahmen — Wie Junge und Personen mit niedrigem Vertrauen in Medien zu erreichen sind, DeFacto, https://www.defacto.expert/2020/06/12/umsetzung-von-covid19-massnahmen/
Working Papers
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel (2021): Population preferences regarding future outpatient healthcare – Do they differ across levels of health literacy? Results from a discrete choice experiment.
Föhn, Zora; Nicolet, Anna; Kaufmann, Cornel; Marti, Joachim; Balthasar, Andreas (2020): Stakeholder engagement in designing DCE with policy implication: example of two Swiss studies focusing on population preferences in healthcare delivery.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Neue Modelle der ambulanten Grundversorgung: Einstellungen, Präferenzen und Innovationsfähigkeit der Health Professionals, Oral presentation at Symposium Geriatrie ZHAW in Winterthur 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Neue Versorgungsmodelle als Beitrag zur Lösung des Fachkräftemangels, Oral presentation at IFAS Fair in Zurich 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Health professionals’ preferences for future work in primary care, Oral presentation at Dreiländertagung VFWG in Linz 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Health professionals’ willingness to share responsibility and strengthen IPC, Oral presentation at Dreiländertagung VFWG in Linz 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Innovativeness of health professionals in Switzerland, Oral presentation at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Fribourg 2024.
Essig, Stefan; Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Käppeli, Patricia (2024): Health2040: Die Zukunft der ambulanten Grundversorgung in der Schweiz, Oral presentation at fmc-Symposium in Bern 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2024): Professional beliefs and health promotion in primary care, Oral presentation at Forschungssymposium Gesundheit Luzern 2024.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2023): Health2040 – Versorgungsmodelle der Zukunft, Oral presentation at Dies academicus University of Lucerne 2023.
Föhn, Zora; Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Zeltner, Cinzia (2023): Health2040: Aligning outpatient care with the population’s and professionals’ preferences, Oral presentation at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Lausanne 2023.
Föhn, Zora (2022): Individual preferences for risk and income solidarity in health care costs, Oral presentation at Swiss Health Economics Workshop 2022.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2022): Gesundheitsversorgung 2040 – interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und Verantwortung, Oral presentation at Swiss Nursing Congress in Bern 2022.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2022): Gesundheitsversorgung 2040 – interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und Verantwortung, Oral presentation at Drei-Länder-Tagung des VFWG – Fachtagung für Gesundheitsberufe in Bern.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2022): Was wünschen Sie sich für Ihre Arbeit im Gesundheitswesen der Zukunft?, Oral presentation at MPK-Symposium 2022.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline (2021): Health promotion in Swiss primary care – the health professionals’ commitment and barriers, Oral presentation at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Bern.
Föhn, Zora (2021): Population preferences regarding future outpatient healthcare – Do they differ across levels of health literacy?, Oral presentation at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Bern.
Balthasar, Andreas; Föhn, Zora; Rickenbacher, Julia; Essig, Stefan (2021): In der Krise entscheiden – zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik, Workshop at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Bern.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Kaufmann, Cornel; Balthasar, Andreas (2021): Online-Befragung zur Zukunft der ambulanten Grundversorgung, Oral presentation at the SBK Congress 2021.
Brandt, Sophie Karoline; Kaufmann, Cornel; Balthasar, Andreas (2021): Preferences of future health professionals regarding interprofessional collaboration in outpatient healthcare – a protocol of an innovative, experimental and prospective approach, Oral presentation at the 2nd International CNHW Conference «Effective Measures to Keep our Treasures – How to Care for Health Professionals and Family Caregivers» 2021.
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel (2021): Comparing the preferences of people with different levels of education and health literacy with regard to future outpatient healthcare systems - Results of a discrete choice experiment, Paper presented at the SPSA Annual Conference 2021.
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel (2021): Comparing the preferences of people with different levels of education and health literacy with regard to future outpatient healthcare systems - Results of a discrete choice experiment, Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Swiss Society of Health Economics.
Föhn, Zora; Kaufmann, Cornel; Balthasar, Andreas (2020): Population preferences regarding future outpatient primary care models – A study protocol proposing and applying a three-stage approach to select attributes and levels for a Discrete Choice Experiment, Paper presented at the SPSA Annual Conference 2020.
Kaufmann, Cornel; Föhn, Zora; Balthasar, Andreas; Nicolet, Anna; Marti, Joachim (2020): Stakeholder engagement in health policy research: Evidence from two research projects on the future of health care provision in Switzerland. Workshop at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Lucerne.