Steering Group
The close involvement of the steering group ensures the (practical) relevance of the research project. The steering group consists of the following members:
Franziska Adam, Spitex Schweiz
Dr. Samuel Allemann, University of Basel, Pharmasuisse, Swiss Young Pharmacists Group
Stephan Bachmann, REHAB Basel, formerly SPO patient protection
Dr. med. et phil. Stefan Essig, Institute of Primary and Community Care Lucerne
Annette Grünig, Schweizerische Gesundheitsdirektorenkonferenz GDK
Bernadette Häfliger Berger, Federal Office of Public Health
Dr. Sabine Hahn, Competence Network for Health Workforce, Berner Fachhochschule
Annette Jamieson, Curafutura
Roswitha Koch, Swiss Association of Nursing (Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachpersonen SBK)
Dr. med. Carlos Quinto, Swiss Medical Association FMH
Marcel Widmer, Swiss Health Observatory
Petra Wittwer-Bernhard, OdaSanté
Many thanks to our supporters:
This project would not be possible without the financial support of the Federal Office of Public Health, the Schweizerische Gesundheitsdirektorenkonferenz, the Swiss Health Observatory, curafutura and the Foundation for Physiotherapy Science. The project is further funded by the University of Lucerne, the Center of Primary and Community Care, and the SLHS.