Health Professionals
By investigating the preferences of future health professionals regarding future primary care, this research project will contribute to the further development of primary healthcare models and an improved staff deployment to counteract skills shortage and promote high retention rates. In an online survey, around 2’800 health professionals will be asked about their preferences regarding selected attributes of future forms of outpatient healthcare provision. A special focus of the project is on the individual innovativeness of health professionals, key aspects of interprofessional collaboration, and the health professional’s commitment to take a health-promoting role in daily practice. Graduates of the following occupations will be included in the study: general practitioners and paediatricians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses including advanced practice nurses and medical practice assistants. Within the project a mix of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches will be applied, including literature analysis, focus group and expert interviews as well as an innovative conjoint experiment. Data analysis will include multiple regression analysis to investigate differences in preferences of occupational groups and in terms of educational and demographic factors. Based on the results, recommendations will be made to health and education policy makers for the development of future outpatient healthcare models and for the relevant curricula and educational frameworks in the health sector.
An in-depth study on facilitators of and barriers to task shifting between health professionals has also recently been launched.